of the most prominent tasks for the ministry of education board is to conduct
board exam. JSC exam is one of them. It’s the second largest board exam
students have to face after PSC exam. The full form of the JSC exam is “junior
school certificate”.
Students of class (viii) participate in JSC exam. After
finishing the JSC exam students start searching out for the source from where
they can acquire their JSC result 2017. You are JSC candidate from Dhaka
board???? Then stop searching and read this article. We have collectively put
down all the info about JSC result 2017 Dhaka board in this particular article.
Please take a look below.
২০১৭ সালের জে. এস. সি. রেজাল্ট দ্রুত পেতে চান !
Details About JSC Result 2017 Dhaka Board
previous year this year also JSC exam will start from the first week of
November and will continue during the whole month. Roughly 15 lakhs students
will participate in this year JSC exam form 8,305 institutes under 8 general
board and 1 madrasa board throughout the country.
As per the information the
education board is considering to announce this year JSC result on 29th
December. All the 8 general board and madrasa board will publish their
respective result on the same day after ministry of education board decides to
make the JSC result 2017 available. You will be able to see Dhaka board result
on their official website.
there are few different methods to get a hold of your JSC result
How to get JSC Result 2017 DHAKA Board via Online
we all know online is a very influential medium and almost everyone has a bit
of idea about internet. Nowadays anyone can easily discover their JSC result
2017 Dhaka board through online. Education board will first publish JSC result
2017 on their official website. You can see your JSC result there.
You will an
internet connection and a computer. Check below to see the process to get JSC
result 2017 Dhaka board via online-
First go to the official website of “Dhaka education board”
On examination option select “JSC/JDC/Equivalent”
Choose exam year “2017”
Then pick board “Dhaka”
Place your (Roll number) on Roll section
Fill the captcha code
Then check again and push “Submit” button
By following the above process you will able
to see your JSC result Dhaka board.
How to find out JSC Result DHAKA Board Via SMS
This is another different process and for me it’s
the best and easiest way to get your JSC result 2017 Dhaka board. You just need
a mobile handset and a sim card. They will charge 2 tk per SMS. The entire
mobile operator will be available to provide JSC result 2017. See the example
Go to the SMS section of your mobile
Then write “JSC/JDC”
First three letter of the Board
Your roll number
Examination year
Lastly send it to 16222
For DHAKA board:
{space} DHA {space} 152368 {space} 2017 and then send it to 16222
JSC Result Full Mark sheet
JSC result Dhaka board result posts on the variety of Methods, It will only
offer you grade or (GPA). But students want see the full mark sheet of their
JSC result. If you desire to evaluate your Complete Mark Sheet that means
Subject wise result, you have to get hold of the total Mark Sheet of JSC result
You can Analyze or Download the entire MarkSheet of Knowledge Panel Bangladesh Public Exam Outcome. You can adhere to one or more reason to get it Fast and Free.
You can Analyze or Download the entire MarkSheet of Knowledge Panel Bangladesh Public Exam Outcome. You can adhere to one or more reason to get it Fast and Free.