As we all know there is a lot of different ways to obtain your
JSC result 2017. But we always attempt to discover the uncomplicated technique
to take a close look at our JSC result 2017. Why wasting time on other method
when you can get your JSC result 2017 by using SMS process.
JSC result will be
accessible via mobile SMS all over the country. You can use any SIM card to
find out your JSC result 2017.
all the mobile operators will be available on the
result day. JSC result 2017 by SMS method is a effortless and straightforward
course to search out your JSC result 2017. To know more about SMS method read
the entire article below. It will give you a clear idea about this process.
Check: JSC Result 2017 All Education Board.
Before getting on with the article let me allocate few
statistics about JSC exam this year. As we all know JSC/JDC exam held under 9
education boards in our country-
Education Board list
Dhaka education
Chittagong education
Comilla education
Sylhet education
Rajshahi education
Barisal education
Jessore education
Dinajpur education
Madrasha education
All the eight general board and madrasa boards as well will make
their result available on 29th December in their personal websites.
You will also find JSC result on the official website of Bangladesh education
As per the rumors circulating around this year the JSC exam will
start from the 1st week of November and it will continue throughout
the months. In this year from 8,302 institutes more than 14 lakhs of students
will give JSC exam under 8 general education board and one madrasa board.
Junior school certificate exam will be supervised by ministry of education
board Bangladesh. Education board will make the result available after 2 pm.
All the students will be able to get their JSC result via SMS.
How to get JSC Result 2017 by SMS:
This SMS method will be available in every operator.
The process is alike for the entire mobile operators.
You will be charged 2.45 taka per SMS.
To find out your JSC result 2017, first you have to send a
After sending the message, you will take delivery of a return
message where you can observer your JSC result 2017.
Now, I am explaining the SMS Methods below-
SMS Process for JSC Result 2017 for All General Boards
Go to your mobile phone message part.
Then type JSC (space) RAJ (space) Roll No (space) Year
Now send the SMS to 16222
Outline: if you are a student of Rajshahi
board and your roll is 124875,
go to your message selection and type JSC BAR 124875 2017 and
send to 16222 to attain your JSC result 2017 by SMS. Subsequent
the result publication, you will collect an SMS where you can recognize your
JSC result 2017.
২০১৭ সালের জে এস সি রেজাল্ট দ্রুত পেতে চান ?
স্লাইড টি দেখে নিন⇩
SMS System for JDC Result 2017
To dig up your JDC result 2017, carry out the
following methods-
Go to message box and
{SPACE} ROLL {SPACE} YEAR and send to 16222
Outline: if you are a JDC student and your roll
is 132569, go to message selection and type JDC MAD 132569 2017 and
send to 16222 to know your JDC result 2017
We are really hopeful that after reading this particular article
you get a clear idea about how to obtain JSC result 2017 through SMS method. To
get more updates keep in touch with our website. We are here to help you with
all the information regarding JSC result 2017.
Check: JSC Result 2017 Dhaka Board.