Junior Dakhil
certificate is the equivalent of JSC exam under madrasa education board. Every
year a large amount of students from all over the country participate in JDC
exam 2017. During result time they
search here and there to find out their JDC result.
We are here with this article
to solving your problem regarding JDC result 2017.The JDC students will find
out the obligatory information of the Madrasah Education Board Result 2017. This is the article where we have put all the
information about JDC result 2017. Not only the info will this particular
article also enlighten you about the source from where JDC candidates can
collect their JDC result 2017 madrasa board. We expect subsequent to reading
this article you will be capable to confirm your JDC Result 2017 madrasa board
২০১৭ সালের জে. ডি. সি. রেজাল্ট দ্রুত পেতে চান !
JDC Result 2017 Madrasa Board Publish Date
When the exam ends the queries come up in our mind that at what
time the JDC result 2017 will be published. This year the JDC exam will start
from the first week of November which will continue throughout the month and
according to the regulation Education board publish JDC result one month after
the end of the last exam. So as per the rumors the JDC result 2017 madrasa
board will be declared on 29th December. Everyone will be able to get
their result from the official website of education board Bangladesh.
How to Find JDC Result 2017 Madrasa Board Through Online
You can easily dig up your JDC result 2017
madrasa board by online on the result day education board will make the result
available for everyone on their official website. You will be needed an
internet connection and a computer. Then open the official website of the
education board and put all the information those boxes and you will be able to
take a look of your JDC result 2017 madrasa board. See the process below-
Check: JSC Result 2017 All Education Board.
Online Result Inspection Process
First, go to
the official website of education board
Select the
examination rank like “JDC”
Select the
examination year “2017”
Choose the
examination board “MAD”.
Now put your
Examination Roll like “163589“.
Watchfully put
forward the captcha like {8+4} =12
Last of all, push
the “submit button”.
How to get JDC result 2017 by SMS process
This process is more
suitable for the students. It’s an unsophisticated process. Anyone can easily
take a look at their JDC result 2017 madrasa board.
To acquire JDC exam results-2017 with Mobile SMS, you ought to go
after the subsequent advice:
Go to your Mobile SMS choice and type JDC [Space] MAD [Space] JDC Roll Number
[Space] Passing Year
After that Send the Message to 16222 Numbers. Example: JDC MAD 153695 2017 and send to
In a return SMS, you will obtain your JDC
exam result-2017
How to JDC Result 2017 via Android app
Obtain your JDC Result 2017 by Android Apps.
The majority of The Students now employ Android Smart Phones. So, it will be a
very regular method for check and Download JDC result by android apps. First Go
to Google play store of your mobile phone and then write “Exam Result” on the
search bar and download apps.
Check: JSC Result 2017 Dhaka Board.
After that install the apps and open it on your
mobile. You must need a internet connection to open this app. then go through
the process and enter your roll, passing your and Reg Number.Then Click on The
Submit button. Now you can take a glance at your JDC result and download it.